I'm a true believer in positive power. I believe that if you think good things, good things will happen. I believe that patience and understanding, both given and received, make us all happier people. I saw this art print, found on Etsy of course (our favorite handmade community), in a fresh new shop, called Inkblok. I think this sums it up perfectly. This print would serve as the perfect daily reminder to slow down, be grateful for the positive things in life. Even the chaotic, craziness that life is most days, it makes us appreciate the moments we can stop to relax, if only for a cup of tea, or a glass of red wine after work, or a few good pages in that book you've been trying to finish for 8 months now! (I've got numerous of these on my nightstand!)
These prints come in a number of pretty colors, from shop owner Vanessa over at Inkblok. I got in touch with Vanessa to ask a little about herself and her beautiful work. Here's what I found out:
Hello and thank you for featuring me! I’m Vanessa and I live in Brighton on the south coast of England directly below London. I'm 27 and would call myself an artist and designer. I love painting, drawing, model-making, pattern (especially geometric patterns) , typography and crafting with fabric.
I have been making things since I was a little girl and have always known that I want to do something creative but have found that Etsy has really helped to make the dream of ‘creating for a living’ a reality. I am so grateful to the creators of Etsy for this!
I studied Art throughout my school education and have spent time studying 3D Design and Architecture at university. My passion will always be drawing and painting but I also hope to have a career in furniture and lighting design, this is where my love of the third dimension comes in. Although I also like to combine three-dimensional elements and perspective with flat colour and pattern in my print design.
I always have several different types of projects ‘on the go’ at any one time. I guess I need to work in several different mediums in order to feel complete!
I am going through a period of my life where I am inspired by so many different things that sometimes I have to try to be selective. I get little butterflies whenever I am on a roll with ideas.. I try to capture everything in my Moleskine notebook. I think this is key to having lots of fresh designs.. capturing everything immediately no matter how silly the idea. I find one sketch conjures up ten more ideas and so on. I will never have enough time to produce all the things I come up with!
Other things about me..
I love to watch weird, unusual films, I am a really visual person so any film which has a lot of creativity put into the visual effects really captivates me... my favourite ever film is Brazil by Terry Gilliam.
I don't read books as often as I would like to or intend to but I always seem to find time for a good design magazine.
I love electronic music, as it makes me imagine colours when I listen to it.
I’m really interested in plants, especially structural plants such as succulents, and I am working on some print designs with plants at the moment and will be adding them to my shop soon.
I am more of a green tea drinker than a coffee lover but I do love cake, especially cheesecake or any type of cake really.... I’m sure it helps my creative process!
Mmmm.....cake, let the creative juices flow! Nice to meet you Vanessa! Thanks for taking the time to share - visit Vanessa at either of her shops, Inkblok or PeekBoutique.
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